Extra Info (and a little lesson)

I recently reorganized and decorated my blog…again. The third time, actually. What is is now called (what do I have to fear) comes from one of my favorite movies, Avengers.  The ‘bad guy’ Loki says it to one of the heroes, and that ‘bad guy’ Loki is one of my favorite characters. I love him. And the subtitle, or whatever it is called (“Faith is my sword, truth my sheild, knowledge my armor”) is from another one of my favorite movies, Doctor Strange. I don’t exactly remember when he said it but I believe it was him talking to the antagonist. I love Marvel. Marvel is great.

Sidetracked: But I really only like the MCU, Marvel Cinimatic Universe, because movies like Deadpool and those inapropiate rated R movies suck. I mean, I haven’t seen them, but if you have to put so much crap in movies to make people watch it then it is bad. My seventh grade History teacher said: “if can’t find any other way besides using bad words to express yourself, then you’re stupid.” I completely agree with her. Why do you use bad words? What is the point? Does it make you feel better? Does it make you feel cool? Do you benefit in any way by using bad words? The answer to those last three questions should be…NO! You do not feel better, you do not feel cool, and it does not benefit you. And whether you like it or not, that is the truth. Using foul language is a bad habit that is hard to get out of. So stop now. Right now. I hate going to school everyday and hearing people curse when they drop a pencil or trip. Just say “oops” or “ouch” or something like that. Or, you don’t have to say anything at all. I want to keep all those bad things out of my head and when people say it constantly everywhere I go, it’s really hard. If anyone who goes to my school is reading this, it would be really nice if you could take on this challange: try going for a week without saying a single bad word or inapropiate thing. I promise you, you will feel mcuh better about yourself and you will find that you are a lot happier. And if you don’t take on that challenge, I understand. You have the agency to choose. But please respect my standards and don’t say those things in front of me. Thank you!



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