A Christmas Blog

Ok really. You say you want all these x y and z things for Christmas. But do you really? Think about it. Do you really want a new phone, or a new x-box, or a really excpensive flat screen humungous tv for your bedroom? Do you really want a drone, or all of those things that cost way to much? These things don’t bring you happiness. Sure, you may find a really funny, cool show on your new tv that you really like, but eventually, that tv show will get boring. So will your tv, phone, x-box and all those stuff. Eventually, your tv ould get old, and there’s a new style of tv’s that you think are really cool. so you’ll get that one and throw out your other one that you wanted so bad. Say you get a new phone, because your phone is so old, out of style, and all your friends have the new phone and you really want it. Once a new phone comes out, you’ll probably want that one because it’s better in so and so reason. Or, your phone breaks. I’ll give you a tip. Wait until your old phone breaks and then get a new phone. It’s simple! So why does that happen every year? I’ll tell you why. Probably because you want to be cool or popular. Well too bad, ’cause having a new phone won’t make you popular! Or you really do need a new phone, but don’t complain if you don’t get a new one! So this year, serve people instead. Give instead of recieve. Have a Merry Christmas!

1 comment on “A Christmas BlogAdd yours →

  1. What a wise and insightful post! I agree!! Giving is better than receiving and serving is how we change the world. I’m glad I know you. 🙂

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