Snow Storm

Everyone in my family is sick but my dad and I. I feel left out. Not that it’s a good thing to be sick, but really. I want to stay home from school too. School’s fun, (except for math and P.E.) but it gets so boring by the beginning of the last block of the day. It’s like, Why can’t school be over? For a week? But it never happens. That’s why I like snow. In fifth grade, there was a huge snowstorm. It was big, more than half the size of me. That meant no school…but for how long? Turned out for my school, a week and a half. About. Not enough. But no big snowstorm came after that, a few flakes sure, but no school out. So this year, I want the snowstorm to be big. Bigger than in fifth grade. Not taller than me, (though that would be cool. No, then I couldn’t go outside!) but not to my ankles either. My waist maybe? Yeah, that seems good. What month? What day? How about January to February? Yeah, that’s good too. I’ll make a deal with mother nature on Saturday.    

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